ProjectWise Geospatial Administrator Help

Configuring Geospatial Datasource Settings

The Geospatial extension to ProjectWise Administrator adds a Geospatial tab to the Datasource Properties dialog. This tab contains the Geospatial settings that pertain to the whole datasource.

Datasource Properties Dialog > Geospatial Tab

Used to control the geospatial settings for the selected datasource.

Background Map Publishing Engine Address Clicking the Configuration button opens the Background Map Engine Settings Dialog which lets you specify the Bentley Geo Web Publisher server name or IP address.
Note: Bentley Geo Web Publisher must be installed and configured in order to use the advanced background map capabilities this product brings. Refer to the Bentley Geo Web Publisher documentation for details about its configuration and map creation tools.
New documents default Spatial Location Controls the default spatial location for the new documents created in ProjectWise. Possible values are:
  • None - The document will have no default spatial location. This is the default setting.
  • Use parent folder - The document will inherit the spatial location of its parent folder if there is one.
New folders default Spatial Location Controls the default spatial location for the new folders created in ProjectWise. Possible values are:
  • None - The document will have no default spatial location. This is the default setting.
  • Use parent folder - The document will inherit the spatial location of its parent folder if there is one.
Limit spatial location creation to datasource extent Use to define a range of coordinates for making a spatial location scan by defining the area covered by the datasource. This limits the extracted extent of files in the datasource. This extent is defined by clicking on the Edit button and drawing a rectangle over the background map.
Edit Clicking the Edit button opens the Edit Spatial Location Creation Options Dialog which lets you specify the options for the creation of spatial location.

Background Map Engine Settings Dialog

Used to specify the IIS web site and port where the Bentley Geo Web Publisher server is installed.

Opens when you click the Configuration button in the Geospatial tab of the Datasource Properties dialog.

ProjectWise Publishing Server Engine The Server Address field is used to specify the ProjectWise Publishing Server address. This setting is only necessary if you are using Spatial maps with Dynamic CAD Layers. This might be the case if you have migrated from ProjectWise Geospatial XM and have elected to buy ProjectWise Publishing Server and continue to use your existing maps.
Geo Web Publisher This section is used to specify the IIS web site and port where the Bentley Geo Web Publisher server is installed.
  • Web Site Address — The default value http://localhost indicates that the web site, under which Bentley Geo Web Publisher is installed runs locally on the default IIS port (80). If Bentley Geo Web Publisher is installed on another computer you will have to point the current datasource to this Bentley Geo Web Publisher IIS web site location.
  • Use default credentials — When on, the credentials of the user who is currently logged into Windows will be used. The credentials are used to access the Bentley Geo Web Publisher web services and retrieve the list of maps that are available on this server.
  • Username / Password — When Use default credentials is off, you need to define a Windows user name and password in order to access the Bentley Geo Web Publisher web services.
Validate Settings This button tests both the ProjectWise Publishing Server Engine settings AND the Geo Web Publisher settings. As soon as something is specified in one of those fields, it is validated. Error message will display depending on which field has been validated or not. The OK button remains disabled until the settings are validated. In the case of Geo Web Publisher settings, the validation process is used to reach the Bentley Geo Web Publisher web service. So you have to make sure the Web Site Address and port can be used to connect to the web service:


Edit Spatial Location Creation Options Dialog

Used to specify the options for the creation of spatial location.

Opens when you click the Edit button in the Geospatial tab of the Datasource Properties dialog.

Current Map

Used to select on which Background Map the spatial extent will be drawn. The datasource spatial extent will be represented in the same coordinate systems as the selected background map.

Datasource Spatial Extent

Lower left and upper right values of the rectangle that represent the area in which the spatial location can be created. The datasource spatial extent is represented in the same coordinate systems as the selected background map.

Geometry Extraction Options

Defines the mode for Datasource Spatial Extent.

Avoid the creation of spatial location if the geometry exceeds the datasource extent (default) - Any geometry overlapping the datasource extent is considered invalid. The geometry is considered invalid because it overlaps the datasource extent.

Avoid the creation of spatial location if the geometry exceeds the datasource extent

Exclude points outside datasource extent - Each point in the scanned file is validated against the datasource extent. If a point is outside the datasource extent, it is not considered when computing final geometry. Using this option may slow the extraction of a file's extent because it involves more computation. Valid geometry is restricted by the datasource extent.

Exclude points outside datasource extent

Clip geometry if overlapping datasource extent - Geometry is computed normally, and then the resulting geometry points are compared one by one with the datasource extent. Points outside the extent are clipped to the datasource's extent. Valid geometry is restricted by the datasource extent.

Clip geometry if overlapping datasource extent